BAMM: Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model

Ekkasit Pinyoanuntapong°, Muhammad Usama Saleem°, Pu Wang°, Minwoo Lee°, Srijan Das°, Chen Chen†

°University of North Carolina at Charlotte, †University of Central Florida

arXiv Code

High-quality Motion Generation, Enhanced Usability and Built-in Motion Editability

Performance comparison with SOTA methods. The low FID score means high overall quality of the generated motion, ensuring that its authenticity and naturalness is close to the real human movements. High R-precision (Top-1) and low MM-dist means accurate alignment between the generated motion and the text prompts. "Predict Length" denotes the ability to generate motion without prior knowledge of motion length. "Input Length" refers to the ability to take input length as a constraint. "Edit" indicates motion editability. MMM and MoMask require ground-truth motion length as input. Thus, the predicted motion length from the pretrained text-to-length estimator is adopted.
Responsive image

Contribution: Generating motion from text without requiring prior knowledge of the motion length while maintaining editability

Generating human motion from text has been dominated by denoising motion models either through diffusion or generative masking process. However, these models face great limitations in usability by requiring prior knowledge of the motion length. Conversely, autoregressive motion models address this limitation by adaptively predicting motion endpoints, at the cost of degraded generation quality and editing capabilities. To address these challenges, we propose Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model (BAMM), a novel text-to-motion generation framework. BAMM captures rich and bidirectional dependencies among motion tokens, while learning the probabilistic mapping from textual inputs to motion outputs with dynamically-adjusted motion sequence length.

Overall architecture of BAMM

(a) Motion Tokenizer encodes the raw motion sequence into discrete motion tokens according to a learned codebook. (b) Masked Self-attention Transformer learns to sequentially predict next tokens conditioned on text embedding from CLIP model and future unmasked tokens. Masked self-attention mechanism unifies autoregressive model and generative masked motion via bidirectional and unidirectional causal masks. Responsive image Inference: Dual-iteration Cascaded Motion Decoding. In the first iteration, autoregressive decoding is applied by adopting unidirectional causal mask to generate coarse-grained motion and predict motion sequence length. In the second iteration, bidirectional autoregressive decoding is performed via bidirectional causal mask to removing and repredicting low-confidence motion tokens autoregressively. Responsive image

Length Diversity

Given a text prompt, BAMM generates diverse motion sequences along with diverse sequence lengths. MoMask and MMM face challenges to generate motion with the sequence length that is different from the ground-truth length .
Text prompt : “the person crouches and walks forward.” (ground truth length: 196 frames).
  • BAMM: Realistic, diverse crouch-walk sequences; superior in motion fidelity.
  • MMM: Sensitive to length variations; misses crouching, struggles with order.
  • MoMask: Lacks walking and crouching; limited in motion diversity.

196 Frame Sequences (Ground Truth)

BAMM (our)

(More crouches in realistic motion)

184 Frame Sequences

(performing crouches then walks, showcasing more realistic motion.)
(lacks crouching motion in the overall sequence.)
(no walking motion present in the sequence.)

156 Frame Sequences

(a crouch followed by more pronounced walking.)
(motion sequence is reversed: starts with walking then crouches.)
(lacks any crouching motion in the sequence.)

Compared to SOTA

Text to Motion 1:

"A person is performing lunges"

BAMM (our)

(correct lunges posture and hand posture while doing lunges is more realistic than ground truth)

Ground Truth


(performing squad instead of lunges)


(performing squad instead of lunges)


(not performing lunges)

Text to Motion 2:

"the person was pushed but did not fall"

BAMM (our)

(Stronger correlation to text than ground thruth is observed, as it has seen a many similar text-motion relationships during training.)

Ground Truth


(lack of "pushed" in motion)


(just walking and no presence of "pushed" in motion)


(stepping over something instead of "pushed" while walking)

Motion Editing

Motion Temporal Inpainting (Motion In-betweening):

Generating 50% motion in the middle based on the text “picks up something​.” conditioned on first 25% and last 25% of motion of “A person is walking forward.”

BAMM (our)

(Realistic Motion)

Motion Temporal Outpainting:

Generating first 25% and last 25% of motion of based on the text. “A person jump in place carefully ” conditioned on 50% motion in the middle of motion of “A person walks forward..”

BAMM (our)

(Realistic Motion)

Motion Temporal Prefix Editing:

Generating 50% motion in the last half based on the text " A person walks forward up stairs and then climbs down." conditioned on the first 50% of motion of " A person gets on their hands and knees and crawls forwards, then stands up."

BAMM (our)

(Realistic Motion)

Motion Temporal Suffix Editing:

Generating 50% motion in the start based on the text “hands in fighting position while the left foot kicks aggressively up​” conditioned on last 50% of motion of “the body is walking backwards carefully.”

BAMM (our)

(Realistic Motion)

Long Sequence Generation:

Generating long sequence motion by combining multiple motions as follow: 'A person is doing a salsa dance moving their legs and arms.', 'A figure sits on the chair.', 'a man jump forward.', 'A person punches as if they are boxing.', 'A person is stumbling while walking', 'A person is running forward in a long line.' Blue frames indicate the generated short motion sequences. Red frames indicate transition frames.

BAMM (our)

(Realistic Motion)

More Results

Text to Motion:

BAMM (our)

person walks then steps over something​.

BAMM (our)

A person walks in a circle continuously.

BAMM (our)

a figure walks forward in a zig zag pattern, stepping over something along the way.

BAMM (our)

The man is marching like a soldier.
